Stamatis Spanoudakis

Stamatis Spanoudakis - Σταμάτης Σπανουδάκης (born December 11 1948 (age 61) in Athens, Greece) is a Greek classical and new age composer. Early on he studied classical guitar. He went through a pop music phase, but then continued classical studies at the Würzburg State Conservatory with Bertold Hummel and later in Athens with Konstantinos Kydoniatis. Later on he took up Byzantine music.



(translated in English from a text offered by the composer himself)

He was born in Athens, Greece. At a very early age, music became the most important part of his life. As a child, he first studied Classical Music (guitar and theory) with professor Haralampos Ekmektsoglou. Then, as a teenager in the sixties and the seventies, he played bass guitar and keyboards in a number of bands in Athens, Paris and finally, London, where he lived for a number of years and recorded his first albums.

After that, Classical music won him over again, so he decided to return to his studies of composition, at first in Wurzburg, Germany, with professor Bertold Hummel and then back in Athens with professor Konstantinos Kydoniatis.

He was then attracted to his third love - Byzantine Music, which led him to Greek songwriting and instrumental music.

Since then he has been consciously trying to reconcile his three musical influences (Rock, Classical and Byzantine), in his music.

Works / Discography

He has written numerous hit songs (both the music and the lyrics) for most of the major contemporary Greek singers.

He has also composed the music for many blockbuster films in Greece, Germany and Italy, music for theater and television and has so far recorded more than fifty albums.

Since 1995, he has concentrated almost exclusively on instrumental music, based on Greek historical or religious themes. Music that has an unprecedented commercial appeal, with all his records turning gold and platinum, with minimum effort and very rare appearances in public.

His framework is given by the composer himself in the following verses (Alexander II, Roads you didn't Walk):

Ζωή φωτιά κι ανάσταση
φυλή σε άλλη διάσταση
μητέρα μου αληθινή
Ελλάδα μου είσαι εσύ
Life fire and resurection
Tribe in another dimension
My true mother
It's you my Greece

Stamatis lives in a quiet suburb with his wife Dori and their four dogs. He has his own studio (Stam Studio) where he records his music, being the composer, arranger, producer, performer and sound engineer of his work.

Some of his works:

Album/CD title Published by Year
Κοντραμπάντο - Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη

( Contrabando - Eleftheria Arvanitaki[1] )

Lyra 1986
Πέτρινα Χρόνια - OST

( Years of Stone )

Lyra 1987
Και μπήκαμε στα χρόνια - Ελένη Βιτάλη

( And we came into the years - Eleni Vitali )

CBS/Sony Music 1988
Δυό Βήματα απ' την Άμμο - Άλκηστη Πρωτοψάλτη

( Two Steps from the Sand - Alkistis Protopsalti[2] )

Polydor 1989
Τανιράμα - Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη

( Tanirama - Eleftheria Arvanitaki[3] )

Polydor 1989
Ημέρα Τρίτη - Μανώλης Μητσιάς

( Third Day - Manolis Mitsias )

CBS/Sony Music 1990
Επαφή - Γιάννης Πάριος

( Touch - Yiannis Parios )

Minos EMI 1992
Αλέξανδρος - Το Παραμύθι Της Ανατολής, Το Όνειρο Της Δύσης[4]

( Alexander - The Fairy-tale of the East, The Dream of the West )

FM Records 1994
Εαρινή Ώρα

( Spring Time )

FM Records 1996
Το Δάκρυ Του Ιωάννη

( John's Tear )

Stam Studio 1996
Μαρμαρωμένος Βασιληάς[5]

( The Marble/Pertified King )

Stam Studio 1998
Για Την Σμύρνη[6]

( For Smyrna )

Stam Studio 2001
Κομμάτι Απ' Την Ψυχή Μου

( A Piece of My Heart )

Stam Studio 2003
Νύφες (movie soundtrack)[7]

( Brides )

Stam Studio 2004
LIVE AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL (London) Heaven Music 2006
Αλέξανδρος ΙΙ - Δρόμοι που δεν περπάτησες

( Alexander II - Roads You didn't Walk )

Lyra 2008
Live in China (Oct 20, 2007) Sony Music 2009

External links


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Alkistis Protopsalti Official Website
  3. ^ [2]
  4. ^ Αλέξανδρος/Alexander (music/video)
  5. ^ Μαρμαρωμένος Βασιληάς/The Marble-Petrified King (music/video)
  6. ^ Για Την Σμύρνη/For Smyrna (music/video)
  7. ^ Νύφες/Brides (music/video)